For less than a Dollar a day.

Who do you listen to?
Access to a Vault with proven step by step pragmatic structured trainings, tools, guides and resources (Marketing, Sales, Team, Systems, Profitability, etc.).
Good strategies and execution lead to better decisions & faster results as evidenced globally in our many success stories and impressive success rate.
You will get exclusive concepts worth tens of thousands, that have changed lives of the people that executed them.

Who do you hang out with?
A growth mindset can be stimulated by being positively influenced by like-minded inspiring people. Not only some members are successful but more importantly we favour people who want to make a difference in the world and to each other.
This is exactly what you gain access to, an exclusive Forum, access to our vetted and trusted experts and suppliers, weekly inspiration/execution 3min videos, and more.
Hang outs/interviews with our multi-million dollar clients and friends (some actually sold for over a billion).

What do you think about?
Instead of longer to-do lists and overwhelm, create time and focus to get what matters done and be inspired.
The experience and techniques used by highly successful peers will empower your business and your mindset, and make you play at a higher vibration and level, make you more accountable and of course hungry for more.
Some of our programs include support, coaching, and advisory to significantly boost your actions and results.
You’ll also have access to acclaimed exclusive mindset and productivity training content if ever needed.

- A community of wise, kind and successful people. A strong community and the right support is a total game changer to go through business challenges.
- Vault: Step by step training and clear guides, tools and videos.
- Connect and mutually learn from each other with multiples 6, 7 and 8 and beyond figures business leaders.
- Free & real consulting sessions with an experienced small business expert - Worth $899
- Group coaching training for 90 day, access to our best live business coaching training with our privates clients solving your problems instantly in an interactive way, so you achieve more impact, more profit, more life and more time.

$7, 798
This community only had a few of our private clients until now, and as we are expanding it we want to
keep it high value and quality for all involved.
To achieve this, we can only accept high quality people. Profile application will be manually vetted before
receiving full access. In the case you are not a right fit for us you’ll be reimbursed immediately.
If all you want is to add a few more expensive toys in your garage this is not for you. But if you want more life, more positive impact, more wealth, take advantage now.

We will keep adding even more value over time and it will cost way more in the future.
This is the only opportunity to be part of this expanded version under those terms.
Why are we giving away so much for so little?
By making the value for money so insanely in your favour will allow us to be very demanding on the quality and
behaviour of members which will benefit all parties long term.

30 days Money-Back Guarantee
If after you join, you feel you are not the right person or not receiving enough value we will refund you immediately, no questions asked.

Secure Processing

The Community
- Masterminds: Monthly interviews/hangouts with multi-millionaires, round tables, live training, interactive monthly group sessions, and Q&A sessions
- Forum: A great forum to get answers, interact and network with an inspired community of business owners.
- Trusted Members: Members, suppliers, partners are selected and vetted by the team. Improving the quality of access for services and products needed by businesses and quality of engagement.
- The Power of Alliances: We strongly encourage our members to interact, engage and create with each other. Understanding the power of communities is a true power. Experts & Marketing Execution corner: access to world-class experts for free.
The Vault
- Free Business Consulting: After you joined and have been accepted, you'll have access to our private calendar to book a support business meeting, and we will send you to the experts on the field you chose to focus on during this meeting,
- Training: Access to our training platform to follow business and success training.
- Weekly: short impactful content (very short videos for inspiration, education, execution/implementation).
- Guides, Tools and Templates: Saving you time and money not engaging people and time for things we already know most people need at one point

The Experience:
The member that has been the most supportive to the community will win:
- Private Business lunch: We will be eating in a luxury restaurant and talk business while enjoying great food.
- Private Jet or Helicopter meeting: After lunch we will follow our business meeting in a private jet.
- Luxurious SPA: After this busy and successful day you'll deserve some relaxation in a luxurious SPA (I won't be there and we won't talk business there :))
- VIP Retreat: join our Business retreat with our VIP Clients (extra cost, not included in this offer, subject to approval, some retreats will not allow any clients that are not on our high tier private programs)

Why am I doing this?
The last few months made me see the importance of my mission to create more life more impact and more wealth for our clients, not just more revenues.
I met most of you at events or in business settings, so I know that for a lot of us recently, things have been extra challenging, because we are carrying a lot of responsibilities.
Our teams, our family and their futures.
So congratulations for having the drive and the vision. I love business owners. We have a chance to change the world.
An impressive number of our clients are now multi awards winners and some are now part of the top 1%.
I have taken advantage of the recent downtime to put our systems into a vault, and I am opening it up for the first time to the public. The only way you get some of this before was attending once a year live events and fly where I would run those or being one of our private clients.
I want to grow our impact and expand and re-energize our community so I made it super affordable. I know that quality people are scarce so in exchange of this very low price and amazing value I can be very demanding and only attract people who will add value.
You’ll have full exclusive access to our community training and more.
If you don’t get value you can leave in the first 30 days and ask for your money back.
This way we can be super picky on who we let in and will actually manually verify each profile and ask some questions first before starting our complimentary consulting call (during which we will give you direct advice including how to best use our resources).
We only want people who give value to others first to make this a mutually awesome experience for all. We will only allow 15 people at a time so we can treat each person individually and there are very strict rules to stay in: we will remove immediately anyone who does not follow the rules but even if you will no longer have access to the Community you will still have access to the vault of training for which is already worth way more than what we are offering it for here.
By the way even though I don’t want this to be the reason you join, and there will be a list of terms and conditions, I will include to the prize for our best referrer the new member who had the best attitude and value-add for the community to join us on a great day (the prize is a one-on-one coaching session in private jet or corporate helicopter, followed by luxury intimate private lunch and afternoon spa).
I wish you the best,
From my desk to yours.
Fabrice beillard

You bring at least one of the below:
CAPITAL: looking for new dynamic growth companies and quality deals
EXPERIENCE: successful already and looking to optimise, scale, keep growing,
and interacting with quality peers
POSITIVE ENERGY & WORK ETHIC: you bring a great attitude and implement fast to
accelerate your success and positive impact

You have a business that is already beyond multiple 6 figure or 7 figures.
But you are also here for more impact and a business that gives freedom and even a greater life.

Occasionally, even if you are not there yet, we do still accept some business owners because you have a great energy and drive and you just need to accelerate your path.
And your positive attitude will still be a benefit for our community.

You always complain, you are not willing to make changes and take responsibilities and you take long time to make decisions/


You are just here to sell and annoy others and you don’t understand the power of collaborative relationships.
You take and rarely or never give.

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